I also tried out my new way of doing reviews - writing up little notes as I read the book - and I'm finding it really helpful. I'm remembering a lot more of the things I want to talk about in a review which is great and I think some of my reviews are now going to be more discussion oriented than before which I'm excited about because I'd love to get some opinion responses going on in the comment sections of my reviews.
So I may even get two books read this week. Not sure what my other one will be. I'll surprise you! I have book club tomorrow night too so who knows what new books I may be bringing home. I did promise myself that I need to finish all my borrowed books by the end of my Christmas break so I won't be able to borrow too many or I'll never finish them all!
And finally on the weekend I was browsing a second hand bookstore and came across a couple of awesome scores! I found (both in hardback) The Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe and Gone With the Wind. How awesome is that! I had decided to read some Poe for my 2012 challenges and now I have his complete works I'll be able to read a different story or poem for both Back to the Classics - Mystery/Crime/Horror Fiction and the Mixing it up Challenge - Horror category. Stoked. And what's more thanks to an awesome comment by one of my wonderful readers I already have a list of great stories I should start with. Bonus. Plus I had Gone with the Wind listed under my Classic Romance for the Back to the Classics challenge so I'm getting pretty sorted to kick butt on those challenges! Woop woop.