Merry Christmas all you wonderful blog readers out there. It has been an awesome time learning about the blogging world and getting started on what will no doubt become a very long term love for all things book blog related.
I'm going offline for the next two weeks on a technology hiatus. With a incredibly hectic year I decided it was time to give myself a well earned break and switch off! Unfortunately work wouldn't let me get away with it that easily and I have agreed to working two days of my two week holiday but besides those two days I will do everything in my power to avoid touching any type of computer. Lets see how I go with that! :)
Some other big news is we're moving back to our home town. It is something my boyfriend and I have wanted for a long time and our opportunity (i.e. a job for him) came available and so we're very excited to make the move. Our home town is only a couple hours from where we are now so it's not a huge change but we do hope it'll mean a slower paced lifestyle.
Also, next year I'm off to Melbourne and Sydney, Australia for work in January and February so really looking forward to a bit more travel too.
I'll be taking a few books with me on my summer vacation. I'll be down at the beach with a few of these:
As for 2011 and reading, well I read a whole lot of great books (and a couple not so great). I've found some great blogs, expanded my reading genres, read a lot more non-fiction, and I'm really looking forward to blogging into 2012 (and doing a few challenges along the way). As for my favourites of 2011? Well I'll let them speak for themselves!
Top 5 Books Read in 2011
Jane Eyre (Charlotte Brontë)
The Alchemist (Paul Coelho)
The Mesmerist (Barbara Ewing)
Fall of Giants (Ken Follett)
5th Equal: Angela's Ashes (Frank McCourt)
5th Equal: Call the Midwife (Jennifer Worth)

Merry Christmas everyone and see you in the New Year!